Nothing new here, everything is the same. Just a lot of meditation and contemplation. The family is preparing to move. That's all. It's just another pushing-away experience. It's another sweeping under the carpet event. Make sure we all become of aware of how community is built. This is how it is NOT done.
I said from the beginning, there is NO COMMUNITY - AS OF YET. All it is - an assortment of Kevin's old-time cronies who are taking over the NEFA land and unilaterally changing it to suit their own needs... no community. People far and wide are starting to sort this out. They are figuring it out.
First they came for the indigenous Indians, then they came for the Palestinians, then they came for us... the gentrification will continue.
Update recession inflation economy collapse People forming cooperative llc intentional community farming some land in Catskills Shawangunks near Monhonk Kerhonkson Accord NY Compiled notes emails essays Blog by Ahgamen Keyboa with others. Cooperative consists of projects for: organic gardens permaculture biodynamics food-forest sustainability building renovation camping, spirituality, music, arts culture, ecovillage This is a revolution of going back to the land simplicity grow-your-own
- Home
- Visionation
- Joining a community
- Community Shared Values
- Community vs. Cooperative
- Steering Committee
- Cooperative Structure LLC
- Cooperative membership categories
- Ownership Vs. Labor
- Building Renovations
- Organic gardening farming
- Camping
- history of the place on the web
- NEFA concept being a sort of prelude to Cooperative
- Permaculture influence
- Peace vigil and music
Showing posts with label Maybrook Lodge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maybrook Lodge. Show all posts
Friday, August 10, 2018
Saturday, July 28, 2018
criminal conspiracy at maybrook must stop
To whom it may concern at the location of Maybrook Lodge and vicinity:
There is an active investigation of the conflict situation by Federal E.E.O.C. and New York State D.H.R.. Multiple complaints of: harassment, discrimination, intimidation, and breach of contract have been filed, by four individual parties (more are possible). These indivuals have reserved all of their human and civil rights, under the U.S. Constitution.
The party under question and investigation is the Northeast Farm Access Company (aka N.E.F.A. LLC), incl. Bob Bernstein, Kahlil Lozoraitis, Kevin Skvorak, Dominik Eckenstein, et alli.
During the investigation there can be no retaliation against the victims, under penalty of law.
The findings will determine "The Right to Sue" status.
Any and all parties will be questioned and served subpoenae.
Attorneys are being retained for those purposes,if needed.
Criminal conspiracy is illegal under the law. This crime will not be tolerated and it will be stopped. The guilty actions have already transpired and punishment will be rendered by the authorities. Concilation process will occur. Compensation is required. Injured parties will gain remedy, to the maximum amount available according to law.
Ask yourselves, "dear community members" why would supposedly-good people act in this manner to generate a criminal conspiracy against the family of Michelle and Ahgamen (Peter) and their family and associates? Why would anybody create a conflicting division within the farmers cooperative-forming? In any case, the cooperative is now legally registered, we have the majority. Any new members who would be interested to operate under its by-laws, please inquire at
You have been notified and warned. Personally-speaking, my suggestion is that you focus on yourself and your work and not be obsessed with ruining anybody else's life. It's unjust, unfair, and against the law.
Yours truly,
Michelle, Ahgamen, family and friends
"criminal conspiracy at Maybrook must stop!"
Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Solidarity Farm rejects and kicks out Haum
One may ask why did Solidarity Farm kick out Haum? He was invited and he arrived ready for work. The place needs plenty of workers. Yet Haum was told to pack up and get out. Haum writes a letter to the Solidarity Farm representatives:
Hello Kevin and Taniff, when I first got there I felt like I was not welcome. My friend Agga came under attack before I got in the front door. You claimed there were red flags, looked like he was a possible loose cannon. You stated He was not working and acted as if he was the authority. Also, there were accusations that he was stealing something. Also, you stated he brought me there under the false pretense that I was allowed to stay there when It was already decided that it was only a visit. There was also a dispute with people knowing agga's business with Michelle that lead to an uproar. You also claimed that Agga needed to discuss with you how people were to come there on the coop project. To me this was way too much confusion at the outset.
When I went to get my bags it seems to me that it was not clarified how I was to be handled. As I approached you we had a brief discussion on my intentions. You stated, I told you to leave and then you decide to set up tent. That it when you stated to me that did I think it was weird that I show up and think I can stay. I agreed that you were thinking it was weird, however, I was working under the authority that Michelle and Agga thought that there was not a problem with it because they have regularly invited newcomers.
You then stated to me "is Agga controlling you." I let you know I only know what I was told and furthermore, off the record, I rely on his guidance as well as everybody elses until I got situated and that never happened.
At the Monday meeting, which was somewhat heated at times and did not leave me with a good impression of any type of stability at the location, yes, it was brought to my attention that I could stay. However, there were many problems that needed to be clarified and I highlighted some of them with you and Taniff after the meeting. The most important concern that I have is that Agga, Michelle, Kevin and Taniff discuss in private how people will be brought to this Coop. I strongly suggest that it is brought before the owner so there is no more confusion on the subject matter. You did state that I would possibly be welcome in the future. The only concern that I have is where will I stay. I can camp in my tent.
In the mean time I know everyone will begin working on concerns in a matter that is appropriate for the entire group. Keep me informed on the progress so everyone can make a better decision in the future for me as well as everyone else who decides to go there. There is no blame here and possibly I will see everyone in the future again. Good Bye for now and my apologies for any confusion.
Maybrook Lodge Solidarity Farm Kerhonkson NY
The title of the post is used because they keep insisting on using these terms. Although it is clear that "Maybrook Lodge" is a defunct business. Maybrook Lodge was filed as business by the May family a long time ago. They are all gone now and sold the property.
Solidarity Farm is a name for a new garden section of the property, not a legal entity, not as of yet. And they keep referring to the locality as Kerhonkson, although it is closer to Accord, NY. Maybe it is served by the Kerhonkson postal office, not the Accord postal office. But if you look at the map it is closer to Accord town.
The continued use of the name verges on fraudulent. What is actually going on to bring the project and business up to date, and making it current? Nothing is going on, just more of the perpetual sloppiness. One month ago I asked that the sign be removed, from the old business entity which has been out-of-business for the many of years. Why? Because it is sending out a message to those that see it, business is open as usual. It will continue to bring in random people who are seeking lodging, YET there is no lodging.
It is one of the many reasons as to why I feel this place is being mismanaged and neglected. If NEFA wants to run a Maybrook Lodge then they need to file the business name.
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