Showing posts with label Dominik. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dominik. Show all posts

Saturday, July 28, 2018

criminal conspiracy at maybrook must stop


To whom it may concern at the location of Maybrook Lodge and vicinity:

There is an active investigation of the conflict situation by Federal E.E.O.C. and New York State D.H.R..  Multiple complaints of: harassment, discrimination, intimidation, and breach of contract have been filed, by four individual parties (more are possible).  These indivuals have reserved all of their human and civil rights, under the U.S. Constitution.

The party under question and investigation is the Northeast Farm Access Company (aka N.E.F.A. LLC), incl. Bob Bernstein, Kahlil Lozoraitis, Kevin Skvorak, Dominik Eckenstein, et alli.

During the investigation there can be no retaliation against the victims, under penalty of law.
The findings will determine "The Right to Sue" status.
Any and all parties will be questioned and served subpoenae.
Attorneys are being retained for those purposes,if needed.

Criminal conspiracy is illegal under the law.  This crime will not be tolerated and it will be stopped.  The guilty actions have already transpired and punishment will be rendered by the authorities. Concilation process will occur.  Compensation is required.  Injured parties will gain remedy, to the maximum amount available according to law.

Ask yourselves, "dear community members" why would supposedly-good people act in this manner to generate a criminal conspiracy against the family of Michelle and Ahgamen (Peter) and their family and associates?  Why would anybody create a conflicting division within the farmers cooperative-forming?  In any case, the cooperative is now legally registered, we have the majority.  Any new members who would be interested to operate under its by-laws, please inquire at

You have been notified and warned.  Personally-speaking, my suggestion is that you focus on yourself and your work and not be obsessed with ruining anybody else's life.  It's unjust, unfair, and against the law.

Yours truly,

Michelle, Ahgamen, family and friends

"criminal conspiracy at Maybrook must stop!"

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Telling the State Police We are "BAT SHIT CRAZY"

A protected person with Disability is hurled insults constantly - BAT SHIT CRAZY???

Everybody who is interested in Community or at least a modicum of civility in this region must hear the facts of this conflict.  Kevin C. Skvorak has repeatedly remarked with slander and libel and harassment, that P. E. Tasciotti aka Ahgamen (well-known, published, spiritual nickname since 1980's) is in Kevin's own psychological diagnosis a "BAT SHIT CRAZY" person.

Yes he even described this in detail to the state police when they questioned Kevin as to what happened that he would strike-at and assault Ahgamen.  He told them Ahgamen is "BAT SHIT CRAZY" and also Michelle is that same category.

That must have justified in his mind to take actions he's being doing against Ahgamen and Michelle and their family of young children for the past four months.  It just escalated to unbearable levels in June and July, to this juncture.

His partner or associate or superior, Dominik and NEFA company have been notified.  Still waiting to get a response and a remedy internally...

Dagen has heard some of the basic facts of this ongoing conflict and he has reached-out to provide another mediation. He is still waiting to hear from that party a response and scheduling.  Dagen Julty is a community facilitator.

Who or what is Kevin and his "gang of four" to gang up on Ahgamen's family and slander him as being BAT SHIT CRAZY???  Is he perfect, is he a doctor?

ATTENTION: Ahgamen has deeply held religious views and moral rules he and his family abide by.  Kevin and Dominik and others at Maybrook Solidarity Farm have been informed.  Ahgamen also is disabled, they know this.  He is in the category legally protected by State and Federal Law, with disability.

Therefore, please do not continue to abuse these simple farmers who have human rights and they are here because they cannot do other employment in the world, they cannot and yet you have abused them while in a simple agreement.  The Disability is not BAT SHIT CRAZY.  The Disability is being treated and mitigated by professionals, ot yourself.  You're only making your own untreated condition worse, Kevin and others of his associates.  As Betty Greenwald of Rosendale informed you, you well know.  Of course though, many people question her condition.  We as a family know firsthand what goes on in her life.

Betty Greenwald and Kevin Skvorak have been good friends for a long time; maybe that would explain the BAT SHIT CRAZY harassment. 

What they chose to do, they did.  The suffering has been major towards our whole family and all the friends we brought to help on the farm project.  Bear in mind that this is U.S. federal law:

Disability Discrimination & Harassment

It is illegal to harass an applicant or employee because he has a disability, had a disability in the past, or is believed to have a physical or mental impairment that is not transitory (lasting or expected to last six months or less) and minor (even if he does not have such an impairment).

Harassment can include, for example, offensive remarks about a person's disability. Although the law doesn't prohibit simple teasing, offhand comments, or isolated incidents that aren't very serious, harassment is illegal when it is so frequent or severe that it creates a hostile or offensive work environment or when it results in an adverse employment decision (such as the victim being fired or demoted).
The harasser can be the victim's supervisor, a supervisor in another area, a co-worker, or someone who is not an employee of the employer, such as a client or customer.

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